When and Where
Threads Church shares building space with Milwood Commons Learning Center, at 2031 E. Cork Street in Kalamazoo.
We gather at 10am on Sunday mornings.
Arrive a little early so you have a chance to grab a cup of coffee!
If you’re unable to visit in person, our gatherings stream live on Twitch, and recordings of previous gatherings are available on YouTube and wherever you listen to podcasts.
What to Expect
Threads values our “come as you are” culture. No need to dress up or have it all together.
Threads has a contemporary worship style. We sing a mixture of old and new worship music, in a culture-current and guitar-led style.
We have a low-key, laid-back atmosphere—if kids make noise, that’s okay! We want to be a welcoming space for all, including children and people who are neurodiverse, and our relaxed culture is part of how we extend welcome. It’s also just who we are!
Children's Ministry
All nursery and children’s ministry volunteers have undergone background checks, as well as training in Threads’ child protection policies.
We offer nursery for infants and toddlers, 6 weeks through 2 years old. The nursery is located in the lower level of the building, and is typically available throughout our worship gatherings.
Kids’ Community
Kids’ Community (“KC”) is our program for preschool through 4th grade. We currently combine all ages in one group.
Children start out joining their parents in our main Gathering Space as we worship God through music (usually 2 songs). Pastor Rebecca will call the children forward for a brief Children’s Talk, Then our KC teacher and helper will take children downstairs for a time of teaching, play, and hands-on activities. Children will be escorted back into the Gathering Space near the end of the gathering so they can participate in communion and closing worship.
Reach out to Lauren Manting with any questions about children’s ministry at Threads!